Full Name
Shannon Salter
Job Title
Deputy Minister to the Premier
Government of British Columbia
Speaker Bio
Shannon Salter is Deputy Minister to the Premier, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the BC Public Service. She previously served as Deputy Attorney General and Deputy Minister Responsible for Housing for British Columbia. Prior to that role, Shannon was the Chair of the Civil Resolution Tribunal, Canada’s first online tribunal resolving small claims, condominium disputes, and motor vehicle accident disputes for almost 8 years. She is also an adjunct professor at the UBC Allard School of Law, teaching administrative law and legal ethics and professional regulation. She earned her BA and LLB from UBC, and her LLM from the University of Toronto. Ms. Salter was a BC Supreme Court judicial law clerk before practicing civil litigation at a large Vancouver firm. She has served as a vice chair of the Workers’ Compensation Appeal Tribunal, vice president of the BC Council of Administrative Tribunals, a director of the BC Financial Services Authority and a Law Society of British Columbia disciplinary hearing panel member. She is a board member of the Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII).

In 2021 Ms. Salter was named an ABA LRTC Women of Legal Tech Honouree, and was previously named one of the 25 Top Most Influential Lawyers in Canada, one of Canada’s New Law Pioneers by the Canadian Bar Association and an Access to Justice All-Star by the National Self-Represented Litigants Project (NSLAP). She received the Adam Albright award for outstanding teaching by an adjunct professor in 2016. Ms. Salter is also a fellow of the National Centre for Technology and Dispute Resolution at the University of Massachusetts and a visiting professor at the Sir Zelman Cowan Centre in Victoria University in Melbourne. Ms. Salter is a frequent speaker at international conferences on online dispute resolution, administrative law, legal education, and the future of law and technology.
Shannon Salter