Full Name
Murad Al-Katib
Job Title
President & CEO
AGT Food and Ingredients
Speaker Bio
Murad Al-Katib, President, CEO and Board member of AGT Food and Ingredients Inc. An international agri-food, strategic business and financial thinker, Murad founded AGT Foods in 2001, building a Canadian start-up into a global billion-dollar value-added, plant-based protein company supplying pulses, staple foods and ingredients to customers around the globe.
Murad was born and raised in a small rural community, Davidson, Saskatchewan, born to Turkish immigrant parents. Murad completed a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Comm) with Distinction in Finance and Organizational Strategy at the University of Saskatchewan and a Master of International Management with great Distinction from Thunderbird School of Global Management (Arizona State University). His career began in the public service with the Government of Canada and then as a founding director of the Saskatchewan Government’s international trade and export development agency the Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP).
Murad has a varied experience in board roles including appointments to the Industry Strategy Council of the Government of Canada in 2020; Chair, Government of Canada National Agri-Food Strategy Roundtable; Chair of the SME Advisory Board for Canada’s Trade Minister; Chair, Executive Committee, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada; the Board of Pulse Canada and as Board Chair of Economic Development Regina as well as a panel member for the Government of Canada’s renewal of Canada’s Global Commerce Strategy and the Advisory Committee for the Review of the Canada Transportation Act for the Minister of Transport. Murad’s current Board appointments include the Canadian Pulse and Special Crops Trade Association, the Protein Industries Canada Supercluster, the Century Initiative and the Board of Directors of Saudi Arabia Milling Company, the recently privatized flour mills of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Murad is also a graduate of the Rottman Institute of Corporate Directors ICD course.
Murad is a passionate advocate of Canadian agriculture speaking extensively on the opportunities and challenges facing the Canada’s agriculture sector. Murad is also passionate about entrepreneurs, championing compassionate entrepreneurism and working to expand female, youth and First Nations participation in business start-ups, advocating the role of entrepreneurs in driving social change and innovation in the new global economy.
Murad’s awards include the 2021 ABEX Business Leader of the Year, 2020 Globe & Mail “Innovator CEO of the Year”, the 2021 Canadian Western Agribition “CWA Top 50 in Canadian Agriculture”, the 2017 Saskatchewan Order of Merit, a University of Regina Honorary Degree, the 2017 “Oslo Business for Peace” Honouree, 2017 EY “World Entrepreneur of the Year”, 2016 UN Association of Canada “Global Citizen Laureate”, PROFITGuide Magazine’s “30 Most Fabulous Entrepreneurs of the Past 30 Years” list, Globe & Mail “Canada’s Top 40 under 40” and the Western Producer “44 Innovators Who Shaped Prairie Agriculture”.
Murad Al-Katib